Sunday, July 17, 2011

12 Months

I have to admit that I'm glad that I chose to document Logan's monthly milestone's, but I'm also happy these little photo shoots have come to an end. Not to say that I won't talk about his month to month changes, but if I have learned one thing about this age, it's that little boys don't sit still and trying to get a shot of him in the rocking chair became more like baby wrangling than photography!! This month Logan turned 1 year old, still can't believe we are here. He took his 2nd trip to California, sprouted 4 more upper teeth and is still chatty as ever. He is very much an adventurer and loves his new outdoor pool and all the sunshine we have been having. We have transitioned to almost all adult foods, with only a few purees left and he while he had a bout with teething this month, we are back on track with our healthy eater! He is still crawling, but I believe this is his month and he is so close to taking those first steps on his own. He loves to chase the cats around the house and feed the dog his leftover cheerios. What fun our boy has become - so I say, bring on the toddler years, we are ready!

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