Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Brynn Elise - 11 Months

 I must fit in our 11 month update before the big 1 year blowout!  This month she FINALLY popped 2 little tiny teeth and with it came lots of opinions about life.  This girl loves books, toys, our cat, her dolly, bath time, people watching, music, her brother, veggie sticks, Daddy's hat, and chasing the big kids with Mommy.  We transitioned to one nap this month and so there is a lot more time to explore the world and all it has to offer.  Brynn is not afraid to throw a tantrum and let us all know how she feels about something, but seriously, that cute little face gets away with murder.  My constant sidekick, I'd say she is a bright and beautiful little lady, and as I see her slowly turning from a baby to a toddler, I'm so excited to see her conquer all these new and exciting milestones!  We love you Brynny!