Monday, April 11, 2016

Easter Recap

I am a little late on getting to Easter, but we moved all our systems to a new MacBook so I'm still figuring out how to work everything, but I think I'm almost up to speed.  We had a fun and mellow Easter, with neighborhood friends and family.  A little egg hunting, some baskets and my littles are pretty happy!  

Monday, March 14, 2016

My baby is 2...

This past week, Brynn turned 2.... it sometimes feels like she's been here forever, or maybe that's the tantrums talking.  Anyways, we welcomed 2 in with a Peppa Pig party, and hopefully we can just skip past the terrible part and get right to the wonderful freedom of having our littlest get more and more independent.  No more pacifiers, bottles or baby gear, my girl sits with us at the table, likes big girl toys and has opinions about her outfits, yikes!  She talks, nonstop, and tries her hardest to keep up with her older brother.  She is more opinionated and strong willed, but the sweetest of sweet when she wants to be.  She loves her family and her friends, and she loves the cats and buddy the dog, what more do you need?  Happy Birthday little Brynny-Boo, we love you!


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A little bit of this...

We are trying out an updated look over here, so hopefully all the info and pictures are coming through even better.  Here is Logan hitting up a bounce house birthday party last weekend, and a few other random shots from life lately. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

It's Not Over...

I realize it has been way too long, and hopefully no one is suffering from Post Christmas let down because I'm just not ready for it to be over... Logan gave me the sad face today when I took Kelly Clarksons' Christmas CD out of the car and I could feel his pain.....we need just a few more days!!  Here is photo overload of our last month, oh what fun we had!